What is RISC-V
RISC, which means reduced instruction set computer, is a microprocessor that executes fewer types of computer instructions.
Risc-v instruction set is an open instruction set architecture (ISA) based on RISC principle. V stands for the fifth generation RISC.
Risc-v (pronounced “risk five”) originated from the University of Berkeley’s student program, and is famous in academia for its open source concept.
The invention team of risc-v founded sifive in 2015, and the risc-v International Foundation was established in the same year.
Sifive aims to promote the commercialization of risc-v. risc-v International Foundation of RISC-V maintains the integrity and non-fragmentation of the instruction architecture
RISC-V History
Distinctive RISC-V
Compare to other commercial ISA, RISC-V ISA is a lot smaller
Design start from zero
Separate usser and privileged isa clearly
Is able to avoid the dependence on micro architecture and technology
Design through community
Designed by academic experts in leading fields and software developers organized community
Free and Open source
Has a lot of open source commercial CPU for users to choose in the market
Highly Extendable and customizable
can be used in all levels of processor cores from microcontrollers to supercomputers can avoid the dependence on micro architecture and technology
growing software ecosystem
There are many open source and commercial tools and operating systems for customers to choose from